Women of Valour – Part 2

“Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come.”

Proverbs 31:25 (ESV)

The above Scripture verse speaks of the strength and dignity that a woman of God possesses; as we continue to celebrate women. 

Yesterday, we highlighted this strength and dignity in the lives of women like Deborah, Ruth, and Mary. They faced challenges and adversity with grace and faith, trusting in God’s plan for their lives. Women today, especially our women leaders, are encouraged to emulate their example, clothe themselves with strength and dignity, and face the future with confidence and joy. Through the power of Christ, all things are possible, and we can trust that God’s plans are excellent and perfect.

“Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” – Proverbs 31:30 (ESV). This verse reminds us that what truly matters in a woman is not her outward appearance or societal status but rather her relationship with the Lord. A woman who fears the Lord, who trusts in Him and seeks to honour Him with her life, is worthy of praise and celebration. This verse challenges us to look beyond superficial qualities and recognise the value and worth of women devoted to God.

As we look to these Godly examples, we encourage you to be a woman of dignity, grace, and strength as you lead others in your sphere of influence. Your motto should be, ‘Each one, Lead one’, extending influence worldwide. Beauty will fade, but your impact will gain souls and encourage righteous living. 

Fear Yahweh today and share the deposits He has stored inside of you.


Heavenly Father, help me be a virtuous woman who will obey Your commands and directions. Give me the strength to follow You and not worldly principles. Lord, I want to be an excellent example to my family and those I come into contact with. Help me with this, in Jesus’s name, Amen.

Read: Acts 1:14; Titus 2:3-4

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 55:1-11; John 3:1-21; Joshua 21:20-45; Joshua 22

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